Choir Riders – Goldcliff Anchor

Saturday, 15th June 2024

Three riders met at the Choir Hall for the ride to Goldcliff via Magor and Redwick. Bacon butties and coffee was had at the Italian cafe in Magor square.


  1. Nick Dance
  2. Grahame Morton
  3. Tony Griffiths

Choir Riders – #352 Rose Inn

Wednesday, 5th June 2024

Lovely evening (although a bit chilly) ride to the Rose Inn for cider and chips, curry, faggots etc., with great company.

  1. Sue Earnshaw
  2. Carolyn Griffiths
  3. Christine Keeble
  4. Garry Keeble
  5. Leon Jones
  6. Grahame Morton
  7. Ron Powell
  8. Chris Orum
  9. Nick Dance
  10. Tony Griffiths

Choir Runners – Rogiet parkrun #254

Saturday, 1st June 2024

A lovely morning for the parkrun at the Country Park.


  1. Phillip Bates
  2. Deborah Harris
  3. Emily Harris
  4. Tony Griffiths
  5. Isobel Brown
  6. Robert Brown
  7. Carolyn Griffiths (MARSHAL)
  8. Allison Griffiths (MARSHAL)

Choir Runners – Rogiet Parkrun #253

Saturday, 25th May 2024

Rogiet parkrun around the fields of the Countryside Park.

  1. Deborah Harris (#74 – PB 27.06)
  2. Tony Griffiths (#171 – PB 33.21)
  3. Carolyn Griffiths (#124 – PB 34.47)
  4. Isobel Brown (MARSHAL) (#89 – PB 33.53)
  5. Allison Griffiths (MARSHAL) (#178 – PB 29.35)

Choir Runners – Rogiet Parkrun

Saturday, 18th May 2024

Nice morning for a run around the Country Park.


  1. Deborah Harris
  2. Carolyn Griffiths
  3. Allison Griffiths (MARSHAL)
  4. Isobel Brown (MARSHAL)
  5. Tony Griffiths (MARSHAL)

Choir Riders – 350 Seawall

Sunday, 12th May 2024

In place of the cancelled Redwick Challenge, a ride was organised to the Seawall in Goldcliff. Starting from the Choir Hall via Rogiet, Undy, Magor and Redwick, with a stop for beverages at the Tearooms.

Unfortunately, Brian had a big blow-out on his tyre and had to wait for assistance.


  1. Sharon Maybury
  2. Chris Orum
  3. Brian Stephens
  4. Janet Vale
  5. Janice Orum
  6. Nick Dance
  7. Grahame Morton
  8. Robert Brown (not in pics)