28 – Piercefield Park

27th April 2013
DSC00367The latest trip by the cycle club saw four members pedal their way to Piercefield Park, adjacent to the Chepstow Racecourse and sporting this wonderful, derelict old mansion.

Tony Griffiths and Nick Powell were pleased to see two newcomers, Nathan Finney and Steve Tobin turn-up for the ride. Both these lads have signed-up for the Charity, Brecon to Caldicot ride that the cycle club are holding on the 13th July.

The route included a visit to Black Rock and then up through Leechpool to Parkwall. Then it was down the A48 and through the lanes to Mathern before taking-on the steep climb up Dark Hill to Bulwark. Up towards the racecourse before turning into Crossway Green and entering the woods, with some off-roading to the Mansion. Time for a drink so it was a decision of going to the Piercefield Inn or to Nick’s house for a welcome coffee which got the vote because it was free. Climbing the hill up to the hospital then it was a downhill plunge to Mounton before following the lanes back through Hayes Gate to Crick and home.

No, it wasn’t snowing when we were at the Mansion, this is just an old picture of a previous visit.

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